Deceitful political ad against US President Donald Trump

I am almost shocked after seeing a paid political campaign of Joe Biden who is running for US President, in CNN in the early morning of August 2019. Three months more for the US Presidential election and I believe smear campaign and political strategies are on its way on both sides. But this one will twist your brain. 

One thing the ad says about Donald Trump is that he made US enemies stronger. This ad is straight forward talking about US enemies. And they are referring to countries. Not country but countries. Can you believe that? Perhaps you already believe it. But let me open your mind if you think that way. You see people who have enemies will have enemies forever unless he forgives them and talk to them and maybe come up with a mutual settlement wherein, of course, you have to admit your mistakes also, if ever you have. But you must have an open mind and see yourself as not perfect and one reason you have enemies is that you made a mistake. That's it.

But we're talking here of countries. God forgives us. These people who are behind that ad against Trump are not of their right mind. Here we see a leader who wants peace, World Peace, and so he pursued it. First, he took his troops out of Syria, which was not, truly, a rightful way to make war. Who wants Vietnam back anyway? And then talked with Russia as an ally. Third, which could be his prime trophy, a friendly approach to North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un. An almost peace accord that may stop Kim from pursuing more rocket launch. And now the US is in a better situation unlike before where tensions of an imminent war prevail all along.

I believe US President Donald Trump is sincere in making peace with them.  Is the US safer after that?  Yes, I think so.  But look how his political opponents see it.  They saw it in reverse and they are broadcasting that those peace initiatives of Donald Trump made US "enemies" stronger instead.  Can you believe that?  I say it's deceitfully composed.

Maybe they have trauma on Neville's futile talks with Hitler seeing it in history.  But times have changed.  Putin and Kim are not Hitler at all.  Maybe they are both strong and tough but they are not that in comparison and context.  What do I mean?  I believe these peace initiatives of Donald Trump was cautiously done with the thought behind that if it fails, there are options to take.  Unlike Neville Chamberlain.  Also, he went through this with some support from China.  China may have initially talked with North Korea perhaps convincing the North Korean leader that this president is sincere and he is not like his predecessors who are politically motivated. 

US President Donald Trump and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un


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